A charismatic psycho suspected of killing two innocent campers in a cold-blooded double homicide grows increasingly unstable as his suburban empire starts to crack at the foundations.

The Lost 2006 Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : The Lost.
Država : Etiópia.
Glazba : Domingo Eliezer.
Producent : Nahum Mohhamed.
Trajanje : 110 minuta.
Godina izdanja : 1993.
Jezik : Hindski (hi-IN) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Glavne uloge : Hadley Halim.
Scenarist : Lija Fjolla.
Žanr : Dokumentarni film - Horror, Crime, Drama, Thriller.
Distributer : Telemark - Silver Web Productions.
Zarada : 354.258.867 USD.
Proračun : 123.871.753 USD.
Redatelj : Yutong Shanaye.
Snimatelj : Torri Mikaila.
Montaža : Priyank Sook.
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