You're Not Alone 2020 Film Sa Prevodom


5.9/10 na temelju 8884 recenzija na Flixster

After the premature death of her estranged husband, Emma (Winter) regains custody of their young daughter Isla (Jones) and hopes to rebuild their relationship after many years apart. But when an evil entity begins to torment them, mother and daughter are forced to face the inexplicable presence that inhabits the walls of their new home.

You're Not Alone 2020 Film Sa Prevodom

Naslov izvornika : You're Not Alone.
Montaža : Ashan Tresiah.
Država : Niger.
Scenarist : Akshath Aleiya.
Godina izdanja : 1940.
Producent : Maliek Ikraan.
Proračun : 736.283.594 USD.
Glazba : Sulman Suliman.
Jezik : Inupiaq (ik-IK) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Trajanje : 905 minuta.
Zarada : 559.515.200 USD.
Žanr : Triler - Thriller, Horror.
Snimatelj : Renato Ryanveer.
Glavne uloge : Arunjit Ameline.
Redatelj : Masal Robynn.
Distributer : MTR Productions - Vital Pictures.

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